Block Quote: Put in a quote in a block style
Capture Form: Have clients fill out a capture form to contact you
Communities Grid: Present a grid view of communities you've created
CTA Grid: Call to actions button in a grid style
CTA Download: Call to action buttons that allow for the download of a file
Google Map: Includes a Google map
Hero: Main image or video for the website
Image Content: Present image content
Media Content: Present media content
Properties Grid: Present a grid view of properties
Properties Highlights: Present properties in a single-line view
Properties Market Stats: Present market stats for properties
Property Search: Present a property search
Property Search Slim: A slim version of the property search
Rich Text: Present text, media, and links
Custom HTML: Add your custom HTML
Testimonials: Pull in your testimonials (Must be sent to: [email protected])
Users Grid: For adding multiple users
Users Single: For adding one user
Team Single: For adding a team
Video Content: Present video content
Multi-column CTA: Multiple column call to action buttons
Featured Blog Posts: Display your three latest blog posts