Blast emails are one of the main ways to get your information across to your prospective clients, current clients, and past clients.
Step 1: Login to myTRIBUS
Step 2: Select "marketing" from the left-hand side menu
Step 3: Once in marketing, click on "blast marketing"
Now that you are in Blast Marketing, you will see a list of your previously sent blasts, if you have not sent any blasts, then you may not see any listed at all.
Step 4: To start creating the blast, you will click the" +" sign on the left-hand side of the screen.
Once you've clicked the "+" sign, You will see a box pop-up titled "Create Blast", here you can select and preview the many blast templates you have available to you from your brokerage!
Note: You can use the eye icon to preview what a blast looks like before you send it out
Step 5: Select the template you wish to use and then you can begin editing.
From here you can:
- Add a name to the blast
- Add a subject to the email
- Select the edit button to edit the template
Once you select "edit" you will be taken to the rich editor.
The rich editor will allow you to:
- Decide on a header and footer for the email
- Select the directional arrow icon to move the content of the email
- Use the trash can and red "x" icon to remove content
- Use the pencil icon to edit content
- Use the double paper icon to copy content
- View a preview of the email with the eye icon
The left-hand side menu will allow you to:
- Choose different layout designs with the rows and columns selection
- Add text with the text selection
- Add in images with the image selection
- Add in links with the button selection
- Add HTML, dividers, and spaces with the more selection
Once you are finished editing, you can click "exit fullscreen editor" to save your changes. Make sure to click the "create" button in the upper right-hand corner to create the email or it will not allow you to go to the next step.
Note: Any text inside double brackets is called a merge tag and it merges information into the email for you so you do not have to type it out. You can use merge tags by adding a text box and then clicking inside it to pop-up the tool bar which will then have you select the "insert" button.
Note: The rich editor does not support videos. You would need to add the video link as a button instead.
You can also pull in properties to your email with a blast template that includes properties. It will be the first step to complete before editing the blast email.
To attach a property is easy:
Once you've attached your property, any included dynamic fields or image areas will auto-populate with the property's information! If you are utilizing a Blast Template that allows for multiple properties, each one will automatically fill in their respective dynamic fields and image areas based on the order you added the properties.
Step 6: Select the "recipients" tab
You will then be able to:
- Add individual contacts with the "+" sign
- Add multiple contacts with the "rules" button
- See statistics on whether the email was sent, opened, or if the contact clicked on any links in the email
With the "+" sign option you will be able to type in the contact's name and add them.
With the "rules" button you will first enable them, then click the "+" sign.
You can use any of the filters to pull in your contacts, but we recommend the tags filter section as you will see below.
Tags (Any): Pull in any of the tags selected
Tags (All): Pull in all of the tags selected
Tags (Exclude): Pull in every tag except the one(s) selected
Click apply once finished and it will pull in the respective contacts selected.
Note: Super User, Administrator, Staff: To add an assigned user, Click on the Settings Tab, and use the "Owner" area to set the assigned user. If you are sending a blast on behalf of another agent, such as sending to a list of other agents, you can set the Owner to (Or the user the contacts you wish to send to are under), and then set the "Optional Details" to the agent's name and email of who you wish to send as.
Step 7: Select the "schedule" tab
Next you are going to want to decide on a day and time to send out the blast. You can select a date on the calendar as well as the clock icon for the time.
You can also use the "quick actions" buttons to send the email our faster.
Once you are ready to send it out, select the "schedule" button.
You will notice at the top it will say "scheduled" in yellow instead of "draft" in red. That means it is scheduled to go out the day and time you decided.
Note: Blast emails only send out one time.
You can also use the three dot icon to the right of the update button to clone the template to send out the same email again. It will pop up the a copy of the template for you to send out again. The copy will be on your main blast dashboard with "copy" next to its name.
You can check in on how a blast is doing at anytime by going to the main blast dashboard and clicking on the template name you sent out.