You can schedule a meeting with our Success team in order to learn more about how to best utilize the myTRIBUS CRM and your personal website. These meetings can be one-on-one or a group if preferred. There are a number of meetings you can schedule related to what you are interested in learning more about TRIBUS.

Types of Meetings:

Intro Coach - This 50 minute meeting serves as an introduction to the myTRIBUS CRM and will discuss how to best utilize the system by adding contacts, creating marketing, sending out new listing alerts, and more.

Client Relations Manager Coach - This 45 minute meeting is to focus on any aspect of the myTRIBUS CRM. This could be a meeting where you only want to focus on certain sections of myTRIBUS to further your knowledge.

Website Coach - This 35 minute meeting is to go over your personal website customizations. You will take a look at example websites and will come up with ideas together on possible changes that need to be made to your website.

Brokerage Coach - This 50 minute meeting is for brokerage owners and administrators to learn more about myTRIBUS, the website, or just to assist with general questions.

TRIBUS Webinar Follow-Up - This 15 minute meeting is for those who have watched one of our daily webinars and has a question they would like to discuss. This meeting is shorter, so it is primarily for asking a question on the webinar. If you have many questions, it is best to select a longer meeting instead based on what you are interested in learning more about.

If you would like to schedule a meeting with our Success team you can use this link: