Products is a place for you to request products from your brokerage. You can easily send in your requests for products like business cards and magazine spreads to your brokerage from within myTRIBUS.

Note: The products feature is only available for the premium version of myTRIBUS

Step 1: Login to myTRIBUS

Step 2: Select "products" on the left-hand side menu

From here you can: 

  • Use the magnifying glass to search through products
  • Use the bar graph icon to personalize the page settings
  • Use the receipt icon to view your requests
  • Use the top tabs to sort by types of products

If you select a a product square you will then be taken to the create product request page. You will fill in all of the data in relation to your product request. This could include:

  • Adding a property in relation to the request (optional)
  • Adding any photos for the request
  • Filling out the required custom fields

Once you have finished filling out all of the boxes, you will then click "submit" to send your request to your brokerage. You will then be able to keep track of your request and will be notified once your request for the product has been fulfilled by your brokerage.